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Save your child's blog to your phone's homescreen

A great idea to get more involved with your child's blog. Easy to do and an easy way to remember to check up on their blog more freque...

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Genius Hour in Action

We are nearing halfway through our first Genius Hour projects of the year. These first projects are called 'Lite 2.0' which means we are running them like a trial run. Students are required to have a passion project or something they are curious to find more about. The students must have these three elements to their projects...

  • a driving question (what can I learn about/how might I?)
  • research
  • be prepared to share their findings with the class
We have a real variety of projects on the go. Some are exploring coding while others are looking into food, art, the environment, movie making, endangered animals...the list is near endless.

In term two we will run Genius Hour again and the students will be expected to share with the whole Syndicate and parent community. Their projects will also need to have a purpose or an outcome that will positively affect someone other than themselves. 

Here are some pictures from last week's session:

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Moturoa Mission

We had a fantastic day out on Rough Island last week. Congratulations to the Wimping Willows and Crazy Carrots our two teams stocked full of Room One children who got stuck into messy, mucky and environmentally minded activities.

The two fantastic teams. 

Running and very hard to catch up with. 
Meeting a rare goat and making environmental impact decisions.  

 We found some bugs. 

Awesome photo IMHO.

Sleuthing among the tidal plants. 

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Magical Marahau

A small selection of camp photos for you to see what a magical time we had on camp. There are more photos on the Marahau camp page -above, also on your child's blog.

Abel Tasman Writing Challenge

Students are choosing what they'd like to write about using the literacy progressions (curriculum) to guide their first big writing piece of the year. Here is our brainstorm of ideas of how we could respond creatively to this task.
Click and drag to see the rest of the brainstorm:)